

You can cross-reference transactions by:

Merchant Referencing

It is possible to enable cross payment account references for a merchant in Payment Gateway. It means a transaction from the merchant account A can reference another one from the merchant account B if its processing user has access rights also to the merchant account A. This is a typical scenario for marketplace portals where a consumer can allow to reuse his payment instrument for the further orders without the new authentication process (so-called one-click-payment).

Merchant Setup

It is possible to reference a previous transaction using a different merchant account.


The general rule is:

  • The processing user used in the referencing transaction must have access rights to the merchant account of the referenced transaction.

  • The access rights to a particular merchant account for the given processing user must be established on the ACL level.

In order to enable the cross reference feature for a merchant account the following global merchant parameter must be set to true: global.crossreference.enabled

In order to see the cross referenced transactions in WEP, the WEP user must also be granted to access the data of the referenced merchant account. If this is not the case, the cross referenced transactions are not shown inside the payment details list. i.e. the user cannot see the transaction data of other merchants even if their transactions are referencing the transactions of the others. This is a default setup situation for a merchant WEP user.

The billing logic for the cross referenced transactions is unchanged. The cross referenced transactions are billed for the corresponding merchant account used in the payment request.

The merchant reconciliation report is unchanged as well. The cross referenced transactions are reported inside the reconciliation file for the corresponding merchant account.

Initial Transaction
Note that the "periodic" attribute must be selected to mark which transaction is the first and will be referenced later.
XML get-url Request for i.e. "iDEAL"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <payment-method name="ideal"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">2.31</requested-amount>
    <order-description>test order</order-description>
    <descriptor>customerStatement 18009998888</descriptor>
XML get-url Response for i.e. "iDEAL"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">2.31</requested-amount>
    <descriptor>customerStatement 18009998888</descriptor>
        <payment-method url="https://idealtest.secure-ing.com/ideal/issuerSim.do?trxid=0050000101476386&amp;ideal=prob" name="ideal"/>
XML debit Notification for iDEAL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <status code="201.1126" description="ideal:Successful confirmation received from the bank." severity="information"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">2.31</requested-amount>
        <last-name>E G H Küppers en/of MW M.J. Küpp</last-name>
    <descriptor>customerStatement 18009998888</descriptor>
        <payment-method name="ideal"/>
    <Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
            <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/>
            <SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/>
            <Reference URI="">
                    <Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/>
                <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>
                <X509SubjectName>CN=Manoj Sahu,OU=Operations,O=Elastic Payments,L=Toronto,ST=ON,C=CA</X509SubjectName>
JSON get-url Request for i.e. "iDEAL"
  "payment" : {
    "merchant-account-id" : {
      "value" : "c7f1ba89-73ce-4237-9873-64295913ce7d"
    "request-id" : "2f3eb6ce-509c-4eb5-9f3f-527198e9ff75",
    "transaction-type" : "get-url",
    "requested-amount" : {
      "value" : 2.31,
      "currency" : "EUR"
    "account-holder" : {
      "first-name" : "John",
      "last-name" : "Doe"
    "order-number" : "19317",
    "descriptor" : "customerStatement 18009998888",
    "payment-methods" : {
      "payment-method" : [ {
        "name" : "ideal"
      } ]
    "bank-account" : {
      "bic" : "INGBNL2A"
    "mandate" : {
      "mandate-id" : "manid",
      "signed-date" : "02-02-2015"
    "creditor-id" : "DE98ZZZ09999999999",
    "periodic" : {
      "periodic-type" : "installment",
      "sequence-type" : "first"
JSON get-url Response for i.e. "iDEAL"
  "payment" : {
    "merchant-account-id" : {
      "value" : "c7f1ba89-73ce-4237-9873-64295913ce7d"
    "transaction-id" : "713e3527-1a4b-11e5-b3a3-0050b65c678c",
    "request-id" : "2f3eb6ce-509c-4eb5-9f3f-527198e9ff75",
    "transaction-type" : "get-url",
    "transaction-state" : "success",
    "completion-time-stamp" : 1435134718000,
    "statuses" : {
      "status" : [ {
        "value" : "",
        "code" : "201.0000",
        "description" : "The resource was successfully created.",
        "severity" : "information"
      } ]
    "requested-amount" : {
      "value" : 2.31,
      "currency" : "EUR"
    "account-holder" : {
      "first-name" : "John",
      "last-name" : "Doe"
    "order-number" : "19317",
    "descriptor" : "customerStatement 18009998888",
    "payment-methods" : {
      "payment-method" : [ {
        "url" : "https://idealtest.secure-ing.com/ideal/issuerSim.do?trxid=0050000101476386&ideal=prob",
        "name" : "ideal"
      } ]
    "bank-account" : {
      "bic" : "INGBNL2A"
    "mandate" : {
      "mandate-id" : "manid",
      "signed-date" : "02-02-2015"
    "creditor-id" : "DE98ZZZ09999999999",
    "periodic" : {
      "periodic-type" : "installment",
      "sequence-type" : "first"
Recurring Transaction
This is a request for SEPA Credit where periodic type is "recurring". This means that this is a referencing payment. Please note that the "parent-transaction-id" is the same as the one from the response of the "first" (parent) transaction.
XML SEPA Credit Request Cross-Merchant Payment
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.01</requested-amount>
        <payment-method name="sepacredit"/>
XML SEPA Credit Response Cross-Merchant Payment
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.01</requested-amount>
    <descriptor>customerStatement 18009998888</descriptor>
        <payment-method name="sepacredit"/>
XML SEPA Credit Notification (Successful)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <status code="201.0000" description="bank:The resource was successfully created." provider-transaction-id="61ab74011ab6e13a797b00e47bf01106" severity="information"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.010000</requested-amount>
    <descriptor>customerStatement 18009998888</descriptor>
        <payment-method name="sepacredit"/>
    <Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
            <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/>
            <SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/>
            <Reference URI="">
                    <Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/>
                <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>
                <X509SubjectName>CN=Manoj Sahu,OU=Operations,O=Elastic Payments,L=Toronto,ST=ON,C=CA</X509SubjectName>
JSON SEPA Credit Request Cross-Merchant Payment
  "payment" : {
    "merchant-account-id" : {
      "value" : "e7c87536-2e7d-4cfc-abc8-9bb1d81907ca"
    "request-id" : "3864ca4a-eaac-4a65-968c-047676fd6101",
    "transaction-type" : "credit",
    "requested-amount" : {
      "value" : 1.01,
      "currency" : "EUR"
    "parent-transaction-id" : "3aa87578-1a4c-11e5-b3a3-0050b65c678c",
    "account-holder" : {
      "first-name" : "John",
      "last-name" : "Doe"
    "payment-methods" : {
      "payment-method" : [ {
        "name" : "sepacredit"
      } ]
    "mandate" : {
      "mandate-id" : "mandid",
      "signed-date" : "2015-01-05"
    "creditor-id" : "XY98ZZZ09999999999",
    "periodic" : {
      "periodic-type" : "recurring",
      "sequence-type" : "recurring"
    "consumer" : {
      "first-name" : "",
      "last-name" : ""
JSON SEPA Credit Response Cross-Merchant Payment
  "payment" : {
    "merchant-account-id" : {
      "value" : "e7c87536-2e7d-4cfc-abc8-9bb1d81907ca"
    "transaction-id" : "3da64fb6-1a4c-11e5-b3a3-0050b65c678c",
    "request-id" : "3864ca4a-eaac-4a65-968c-047676fd6101",
    "transaction-type" : "credit",
    "transaction-state" : "success",
    "completion-time-stamp" : 1435135059000,
    "statuses" : {
      "status" : [ {
        "value" : "",
        "code" : "201.0000",
        "description" : "The resource was successfully created.",
        "severity" : "information"
      } ]
    "requested-amount" : {
      "value" : 1.01,
      "currency" : "EUR"
    "parent-transaction-id" : "3aa87578-1a4c-11e5-b3a3-0050b65c678c",
    "account-holder" : {
      "first-name" : "John",
      "last-name" : "Doe"
    "order-number" : "28862",
    "descriptor" : "customerStatement 18009998888",
    "payment-methods" : {
      "payment-method" : [ {
        "name" : "sepacredit"
      } ]
    "bank-account" : {
      "iban" : "NL53INGB0654422370",
      "bic" : "INGBNL2A"
    "mandate" : {
      "mandate-id" : "mandid",
      "signed-date" : "2015-01-05"
    "creditor-id" : "XY98ZZZ09999999999",
    "periodic" : {
      "periodic-type" : "recurring",
      "sequence-type" : "recurring"
    "consumer" : {
      "first-name" : "",
      "last-name" : ""
    "provider-transaction-reference-id" : "7BE65FA70E",
    "instrument-country" : "NL"
Payment Methods

Cross-Payment-Methods Referencing helps to reduce fraud in recurring payments, because the merchant can reference two payment methods.

The initial transaction has to be performed with a method that requires access credentials from the customer.

With the referencing of two payment methods the merchant can avoid that a SEPA Direct Debit transaction, if used as initial transaction, is returned after he has already provided the consumer with the purchased goods or services.

The main reasons for returned SEPA Direct Debit transaction are:

  • "Bank account not existing"

  • "Invalid bank data"

Cross-Payment-Methods Referencing is available, when the merchant has

  • several online banking payment methods configured within MAID.

  • installed Payment Gateway backend and Payment Page integrations.

Cross-Payment-Methods Referencing is executed in two steps:

The initial transaction is placed by the customer actively via one of the supported online banking payment methods:

  • Sofort.

  • iDEAL

If the initial transaction is successful, the bank details IBAN and BIC are saved in the database, but not returned in the response.

Not every bank provides bank account data. Payment Gateway can only process bank account data if provided by the bank.

The subsequent transaction is a SEPA Direct Debit transaction. The merchant receives a transaction ID from the initial transaction which is used later to place a referenced SEPA Direct Debit transaction without knowing the bank account details as they are automatically connected to the transaction ID.

This functionality allows e.g. easier subscription management.

  • All mandatory SEPA Direct Debit transaction fields must be provided in the initial transaction so that they can be used in the subsequent SEPA Direct Debit transaction. Mandatory SEPA fields are:

    • Mandate ID,

    • Mandate Signature Date

    • Creditor ID

  • The initial transaction must have a sequence type "first" to avoid a SEPA Direct Debit transaction with the sequence type "recurring" to be rejected by the system.

  • The subsequent transaction requires the sequence type "recurring".

A clear position for the "periodic" tag cannot be established. It can be set either in the initial transaction iDEAL or in the subsequent transaction within the SEPA Direct Debit.

The advantages, setting it in the subsequent transaction are:

  • Integration of original payment method (e.g. iDEAL, Sofort., …) does not need to be amended.

  • If you are using SEPA as an additional payment option, the behavior where to send the periodic tags is identical.

API Endpoint for referenced transactions for alternative payment methods is always: https://api-test.getneteurope.com/engine/rest/payments/
Periodic In Initial Transaction

This section describes a set of requests and responses in which the "periodic" tag is set right in the beginning, in the Request Initial iDEAL.

XML get-url Request Initial iDEAL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <payment-method name="ideal"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">2.31</requested-amount>
    <order-description>test order</order-description>
    <descriptor>customerStatement 18009998888</descriptor>
XML get-url Response Initial iDEAL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">2.31</requested-amount>
    <descriptor>customerStatement 18009998888</descriptor>
        <payment-method url="https://idealtest.secure-ing.com/ideal/issuerSim.do?trxid=0050000102513955&amp;ideal=prob" name="ideal"/>
XML debit Notification for Initial iDEAL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <status code="201.1126" description="ideal:Successful confirmation received from the bank." severity="information"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">2.31</requested-amount>
    <descriptor>customerStatement 18009998888</descriptor>
        <payment-method name="ideal"/>
    <Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
            <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/>
            <SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/>
            <Reference URI="">
                    <Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/>
                <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/>
                <X509SubjectName>CN=Manoj Sahu,OU=Operations,O=Elastic Payments,L=Toronto,ST=ON,C=CA</X509SubjectName>
JSON get-url Request Initial iDEAL
  "payment" : {
    "merchant-account-id" : {
      "value" : "36c1b68b-7a95-4f1b-bcdb-6b84bfbc5b41"
    "request-id" : "b2ddf106-0f00-41da-b8af-64429b3ee329",
    "transaction-type" : "get-url",
    "requested-amount" : {
      "value" : 2.31,
      "currency" : "EUR"
    "account-holder" : {
      "first-name" : "John",
      "last-name" : "Doe"
    "order-number" : "43606",
    "descriptor" : "customerStatement 18009998888",
    "payment-methods" : {
      "payment-method" : [ {
        "name" : "ideal"
      } ]
    "bank-account" : {
      "bic" : "INGBNL2A"
    "mandate" : {
      "mandate-id" : "manid",
      "signed-date" : "2015-02-02"
    "creditor-id" : "DE98ZZZ09999999999",
    "periodic" : {
      "periodic-type" : "installment",
      "sequence-type" : "first"
JSON get-url Response Initial iDEAL
  "payment" : {
    "merchant-account-id" : {
      "value" : "36c1b68b-7a95-4f1b-bcdb-6b84bfbc5b41"
    "transaction-id" : "b8b27f18-4003-11e5-919b-005056a64448",
    "request-id" : "b2ddf106-0f00-41da-b8af-64429b3ee329",
    "transaction-type" : "get-url",
    "transaction-state" : "success",
    "completion-time-stamp" : 1439276828000,
    "statuses" : {
      "status" : [ {
        "value" : "",
        "code" : "201.0000",
        "description" : "The resource was successfully created.",
        "severity" : "information"
      } ]
    "requested-amount" : {
      "value" : 2.31,
      "currency" : "EUR"
    "account-holder" : {
      "first-name" : "John",
      "last-name" : "Doe"
    "order-number" : "43606",
    "descriptor" : "customerStatement 18009998888",
    "payment-methods" : {
      "payment-method" : [ {
        "url" : "https://idealtest.secure-ing.com/ideal/issuerSim.do?trxid=0050000102513955&ideal=prob",
        "name" : "ideal"
      } ]
    "bank-account" : {
      "bic" : "INGBNL2A"
    "mandate" : {
      "mandate-id" : "manid",
      "signed-date" : "2015-02-02"
    "creditor-id" : "DE98ZZZ09999999999",
    "periodic" : {
      "periodic-type" : "installment",
      "sequence-type" : "first"
Recurring Transaction Referencing iDEAL Payment
Referenced SEPA payment does not contain mandatory fields in the request as these are taken from the initial iDEAL payment based on parent transaction ID.
XML SEPA Direct Debit Request Following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.01</requested-amount>
        <payment-method name="sepadirectdebit"/>
XML SEPA Direct Debit Response Following (Successful)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.01</requested-amount>
    <descriptor>customerStatement 18009998888</descriptor>
        <payment-method name="sepadirectdebit"/>
JSON SEPA Direct Debit Request Following
  "payment" : {
    "merchant-account-id" : {
      "value" : "36c1b68b-7a95-4f1b-bcdb-6b84bfbc5b41"
    "request-id" : "72ae0263-384f-41cc-8caa-aa78330afca3",
    "transaction-type" : "debit",
    "requested-amount" : {
      "value" : 1.01,
      "currency" : "EUR"
    "parent-transaction-id" : "b8b27f18-4003-11e5-919b-005056a64448",
    "account-holder" : {
      "first-name" : "John",
      "last-name" : "Doe"
    "payment-methods" : {
      "payment-method" : [ {
        "name" : "sepadirectdebit"
      } ]
    "periodic" : {
      "periodic-type" : "recurring",
      "sequence-type" : "recurring"
    "consumer" : {
      "first-name" : "",
      "last-name" : ""
JSON SEPA Direct Debit Response Following (Successful)
  "payment" : {
    "merchant-account-id" : {
      "value" : "36c1b68b-7a95-4f1b-bcdb-6b84bfbc5b41"
    "transaction-id" : "bcd853f6-4003-11e5-919b-005056a64448",
    "request-id" : "72ae0263-384f-41cc-8caa-aa78330afca3",
    "transaction-type" : "debit",
    "transaction-state" : "success",
    "completion-time-stamp" : 1439282050000,
    "statuses" : {
      "status" : [ {
        "value" : "",
        "code" : "201.0000",
        "description" : "The resource was successfully created.",
        "severity" : "information"
      } ]
    "requested-amount" : {
      "value" : 1.01,
      "currency" : "EUR"
    "parent-transaction-id" : "b8b27f18-4003-11e5-919b-005056a64448",
    "account-holder" : {
      "first-name" : "John",
      "last-name" : "Doe"
    "order-number" : "39849",
    "descriptor" : "customerStatement 18009998888",
    "payment-methods" : {
      "payment-method" : [ {
        "name" : "sepadirectdebit"
      } ]
    "bank-account" : {
      "iban" : "NL53INGB0654422370",
      "bic" : "INGBNL2A"
    "mandate" : {
      "mandate-id" : "manid",
      "signed-date" : "2015-02-02"
    "creditor-id" : "DE98ZZZ09999999999",
    "due-date" : "2015-08-17",
    "periodic" : {
      "periodic-type" : "recurring",
      "sequence-type" : "recurring"
    "consumer" : {
      "first-name" : "",
      "last-name" : ""
    "provider-transaction-reference-id" : "261AD6D93C",
    "instrument-country" : "NL"
Recurring Transaction Referencing SEPA Credit
This scenario is for a cross-payment-methods referenced SEPA Credit transaction.
XML SEPA Credit Request Following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.01</requested-amount>
        <!-- optional
            <street1>123 anystreet</street1>
        </address> -->
    <!-- optional
    <order-number></order-number> -->
    <!-- optional
    <descriptor>test</descriptor> -->
        <payment-method name="sepacredit"/>
    <!-- optional element consumer -->
XML SEPA Credit Response Following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.01</requested-amount>
    <descriptor>customerStatement 18009998888</descriptor>
        <payment-method name="sepacredit"/>
JSON SEPA Credit Request Following
  "payment" : {
    "merchant-account-id" : {
      "value" : "36c1b68b-7a95-4f1b-bcdb-6b84bfbc5b41"
    "request-id" : "30ba2c27-d8bb-47d2-ac02-f1ccf94e162c",
    "transaction-type" : "credit",
    "requested-amount" : {
      "value" : 1.01,
      "currency" : "EUR"
    "parent-transaction-id" : "96468896-3ffb-11e5-919b-005056a64448",
    "account-holder" : {
      "first-name" : "John",
      "last-name" : "Doe"
    "payment-methods" : {
      "payment-method" : [ {
        "name" : "sepacredit"
      } ]
    "periodic" : {
      "periodic-type" : "recurring",
      "sequence-type" : "recurring"
    "consumer" : {
      "first-name" : "",
      "last-name" : ""
JSON SEPA Credit Response Following
  "payment" : {
    "merchant-account-id" : {
      "value" : "36c1b68b-7a95-4f1b-bcdb-6b84bfbc5b41"
    "transaction-id" : "b03c1d42-3ffb-11e5-919b-005056a64448",
    "request-id" : "30ba2c27-d8bb-47d2-ac02-f1ccf94e162c",
    "transaction-type" : "credit",
    "transaction-state" : "success",
    "completion-time-stamp" : 1439278593000,
    "statuses" : {
      "status" : [ {
        "value" : "",
        "code" : "201.0000",
        "description" : "The resource was successfully created.",
        "severity" : "information"
      } ]
    "requested-amount" : {
      "value" : 1.01,
      "currency" : "EUR"
    "parent-transaction-id" : "96468896-3ffb-11e5-919b-005056a64448",
    "account-holder" : {
      "first-name" : "John",
      "last-name" : "Doe"
    "order-number" : "11153",
    "descriptor" : "customerStatement 18009998888",
    "payment-methods" : {
      "payment-method" : [ {
        "name" : "sepacredit"
      } ]
    "bank-account" : {
      "iban" : "NL53INGB0654422370",
      "bic" : "INGBNL2A"
    "mandate" : {
      "mandate-id" : "manid",
      "signed-date" : "2015-02-02"
    "creditor-id" : "DE98ZZZ09999999999",
    "periodic" : {
      "periodic-type" : "recurring",
      "sequence-type" : "recurring"
    "consumer" : {
      "first-name" : "",
      "last-name" : ""
    "provider-transaction-reference-id" : "3E6B70E7B4",
    "instrument-country" : "NL"
Periodic In Subsequent Transaction

This section describes a set of requests and responses in which the "periodic" tag is set at a subsequent request, the SEPA Debit Recurring#1.

XML debit Request Initial iDEAL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
  <request-id>{set unique request ID}</request-id>
  <requested-amount currency="EUR">112.00</requested-amount>
    <phone />
      <street1>Einsteinring 35</street1>
      <street2 />
    <notification url="https://merchant.com/ipn.php"/>
  <order-number>order Test</order-number>
  <descriptor>descriptor test</descriptor>
    <payment-method name="ideal" />
XML debit Response Initial iDEAL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
    <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information" />
  <requested-amount currency="EUR">112.00</requested-amount>
      <street1>Einsteinring 35</street1>
  <order-number>order ideal Test</order-number>
  <descriptor>descriptor test</descriptor>
    <notification url="https://merchant.com/ipn.php"/>
    <payment-method url="https://idealtest.secure-ing.com/ideal/issuerSim.do?trxid=0050000126213329&amp;ideal=prob" name="ideal" />
Receive Notification to get the transaction ID from the iDEAL debit to use as reference for SEPA transactions.
XML SEPA Credit Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
  <request-id>{set unique request ID}</request-id>
  <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.00</requested-amount>
    <notification url="https://merchant.com/ipn.php"/>
    <payment-method name="sepacredit" />
XML SEPA Credit Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
    <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information" />
  <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.00</requested-amount>
    <last-name>E G H Küppers en/of MW M.J. Küpp</last-name>
      <street1>Einsteinring 35</street1>
  <order-number>order sepa credit Test</order-number>
  <descriptor>descriptor test</descriptor>
    <notification url="https://merchant.com/ipn.php" />
    <payment-method name="sepacredit" />
XML SEPA Direct Debit Request Recurring #1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
  <request-id>{set unique request ID}</request-id>
  <requested-amount currency="EUR">55.00</requested-amount>
    <payment-method name="sepadirectdebit" />
    <notification url="https://merchant.com/ipn.php"/>
XML SEPA Direct Debit Response Recurring #1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
    <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information" />
  <requested-amount currency="EUR">55.00</requested-amount>
      <street1>Einsteinring 35</street1>
  <order-number>orders Test</order-number>
  <descriptor>descriptor test</descriptor>
    <notification url="https://merchant.com/ipn.php" />
    <payment-method name="sepadirectdebit" />
XML SEPA Direct Debit Request Recurring #2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
  <request-id>{set unique request ID}</request-id>
  <requested-amount currency="EUR">44.00</requested-amount>
    <payment-method name="sepadirectdebit" />
    <notification url="https://merchant.com/ipn.php"/>
XML SEPA Direct Debit Response Recurring #2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
    <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information" />
  <requested-amount currency="EUR">44.00</requested-amount>
      <street1>Einsteinring 35</street1>
  <order-number>order Test</order-number>
  <descriptor>descriptor test</descriptor>
    <notification url="https://merchant.com/ipn.php" />
    <payment-method name="sepadirectdebit" />
XML SEPA Direct Debit Request Recurring #3
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
  <request-id>{set unique request ID}</request-id>
  <requested-amount currency="EUR">33.00</requested-amount>
    <payment-method name="sepadirectdebit" />
    <notification url="https://merchant.com/ipn.php"/>
XML SEPA Direct Debit Response Recurring #3
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
    <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information" />
  <requested-amount currency="EUR">33.00</requested-amount>
      <street1>Einsteinring 35</street1>
  <order-number>order Test</order-number>
  <descriptor>descriptor test</descriptor>
    <notification url="https://merchant.com/ipn.php" />
    <payment-method name="sepadirectdebit" />

Instant Payment Notification

The Payment Gateway has a built-in notification capability. An Instant Payment Notification (IPN) informs the merchant about the final status of a transaction.

There are one type of notifications:

  • HTTPS (Web Server POST)

The following formats are currently supported:

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded

  • application/xml

  • application/json

  • application/json-signed


When the merchant wants to receive a notification, he can either

  • specify a URL as part the merchant account setup; or

  • include an URL as part of each transaction request

  • The definition of URL and format type in the transaction request overwrites the configured definition in the merchant account setup.

  • Only those notifications sent via URL contain a signature.

For request based IPN configuration, the request should contain the IPN notifications element.

In case there is no format specified in the request then the format specified in the merchant configuration is used. If there is no IPN format in the configuration, then NVP response is used for HPP/EPP requests or application/xml for others by default. Be aware that just one notification format can be set for all notifications sent to the specified URLs.

Request a Notification in JSON Format

The following example shows how the Payment Gateway can be configured to send notifications as JSON format:

Signed JSON Notifications
To request an application/json-signed notification, switch the format value. Compared to the default JSON notification, signed notifications are base64 encoded and include a security signature: this means you can verify that the notification comes from Getnet, but need to decode it before you can see its content.

<notifications format="application/json>

XML Request (determines notification in JSON format)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
     <merchant-account-id>${unique for each merchant account}</merchant-account-id>
     <request-id>${unique for each request}</request-id>
     <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.00</requested-amount>
     <parent-transaction-id>${unique for each parent transaction}</parent-transaction-id>
     <descriptor>customerStatement 12003332222</descriptor>
     <notifications format="application/json">
          <notification url="https://www.merchant.com/special-IPN"></notification>
          <payment-method name="${payment method}"/>

The notification will look like this:

JSON Notification
    "payment": {
        "statuses": {
            "status": [{
                "code": "201.0000",
                "description": "3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created.",
                "severity": "information"
        "descriptor": "demo descriptor",
        "merchant-account-id": {
            "value": "04bfef3e-6029-4bdb-8bf7-951cb36077ab"
        "transaction-id": "d5c773d7-2e03-4513-9f7f-343de0b35e4d",
        "request-id": "969fed83-252e-44d8-956d-74c4a42558bd",
        "transaction-type": "purchase",
        "transaction-state": "success",
        "completion-time-stamp": 1522225304000,
        "requested-amount": {
            "value": 1.01,
            "currency": "USD"
        "account-holder": {
            "email": "john.doe@getneteurope.com",
            "phone": "55555555555",
            "address": {
                "street1": "123 anystreet",
                "city": "Brantford",
                "state": "ON",
                "country": "CA"
            "first-name": "John",
            "last-name": "Doe"
        "card-token": {
            "token-id": "4190024503651111",
            "masked-account-number": "444433******1111"
        "ip-address": "",
        "payment-methods": {
            "payment-method": [{
                "name": "creditcard"
        "authorization-code": "153620",
        "api-id": "elastic-api",
        "entry-mode": "mail-order"
application/JSON-signed Notification Example
response-signature-base64: RfEJZDauGzMIvyzbR6n6qjjqhwDk9yUTKECdhWtPAiw=
response-signature-algorithm: HmacSHA256
response-base64: ewogICJkZXNjcmlwdG9yIiA6ICJkZW1vIGRlc2NyaXB0b3IiLAogICJzdGF0dXNlcyIgOiB7CiAgICAic3RhdHVzIiA6IFsgewogICAgICAiY29kZSIgOiAiMjAxLjAwMDAiLA
Verifying the Notification Signature

To verify a signed notification, check the signature data against the Secret Key you received during merchant configuration:

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;


private String merchantSecretKey = "merchantSecretKey";

public boolean isValidSignature(String responseBase64, String responseBase64Signature, String responseSignatureAlgorithm) throws Exception {
    Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(responseSignatureAlgorithm);
    mac.init(new SecretKeySpec(merchantSecretKey.getBytes("UTF-8"), responseSignatureAlgorithm));
    return responseBase64Signature != null && responseBase64Signature.equals(DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(mac.doFinal(responseBase64.getBytes("UTF-8"))));
Request a Notification in HTML Format

<notifications format="application/html">

HTML Notification

Request a Notification in XML Format

<notifications format="application/xml">

Notification in XML Format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
        <status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
    <requested-amount currency="USD">1.01</requested-amount>
            <street1>123 anystreet</street1>
    <descriptor>demo descriptor</descriptor>
        <payment-method name="creditcard"/>

It is possible to set up conditional notifications based on the state of the transaction. For example, it is possible to instruct a notification to only occur on 'failed' or 'successful' transactions.

Notification Type Notification Tag in Request Possible Extensions of URL Ports Possible Extensions of transaction-state


URL, transaction-state

any configured URL

80, 443, 5500

if URL <> empty and `transaction-state` = empty all notifications go to that URL or if URL <> empty and `transaction-state` <> empty depending on the transaction-state (success, failed, in-progress, etc) the notification goes to the corresponding URL.

A request, which defines a URL to be used, when the payment process will fail:

XML Request with different URL for failed transactions
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
      <merchant-account-id>${unique for each merchant account}</merchant-account-id>
      <request-id>${unique for each request}</request-id>
      <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.00</requested-amount>
      <parent-transaction-id>${unique for each parent transaction}</parent-transaction-id>
      <descriptor>customerStatement 12003332222</descriptor>
            <notification url="https://www.merchant.com/errorURL" transaction-state="failed"/>
            <payment-method name="${payment method}"/>
Notification Examples
Credit Card Payment
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
   <merchant-account-id>${unique for each merchant account}</merchant-account-id>
            <transaction-id>${unique for each transaction}</transaction-id>
            <request-id>${unique for each request}</request-id>
               <status code="201.0000" description="3d-acquirer:The resource was successfully created." severity="information" provider-transaction-id="C123456789876543212345"/>
            <requested-amount currency="USD">1.01</requested-amount>
                  <street1>123 anystreet</street1>
               <token-id>${unique for each token}</token-id>
            <descriptor>demo descriptor</descriptor>
               <notification transaction-state="failed" url="https://www.merchant.com/errorURL"></notification>
               <notification url="https://www.merchant.com/special-IPN"></notification>
Alternative Payment Methods
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment" xmlns:ns2="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/epa/transaction">
      <merchant-account-id>${unique for each merchant account}</merchant-account-id>
      <transaction-id>${unique for each transaction}</transaction-id>
      <request-id>${unique for each request}</request-id>
            <status code="201.1126" description="qtill:Successful confirmation received from the bank." severity="information"/>
      <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.00</requested-amount>
      <parent-transaction-id>${unique for each parent transaction}</parent-transaction-id>
      <descriptor>customerStatement 12003332222</descriptor>
            <notification transaction-state="failed" url="https://www.merchant.com/errorURL"></notification>
            <notification url="https://www.merchant.com/special-IPN"></notification>
            <payment-method name="${payment method}"/>
      <Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
                  <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315"/>
                  <SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256"/>
                  <Reference URI="">
                              <Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/>
                        <DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>
                        <X509SubjectName>L=Ascheim,,CN=api-qa.getneteurope.sys,OU=Operations,O=Wirecard Technologies GmbH,C=DE</X509SubjectName>
Note that the "amount" value for some alternative payment notifications contains 6 minor digits.
Notification Content

The content of the notification depends on the status of the response Payment Gateway receives from the provider.

Payment Gateway receives…​ Payment Gateway sends notification:…​

a successful response

Success Return Code and Transaction Status

a failure response

Failure Return Code and Transaction Status

a timeout from provider

Failure with error code (e.g. 500.1051)

no info from provider

Failure with error code 500.1052, if Payment Gateway runs in its internal timeout

Credit Card IPNs are not encoded and non Credit Card IPNs are mostly Base64 encoded, but there are variations possible. The variations depend on the payment methods.

For each notification type it is possible to add more than one recipient. Copy the tag and add a different URL.

Notification Transaction Type

Depending on the selected payment method, the transaction type in the notification may differ from the one sent in the request. For example, a pending-debit request may result in a debit-return notification, or an authorization request may result in a deposit notification.

Credit card transactions: The transaction-id indicates which request/response and notification belong together.
Alternative payment method transactions: Compare the transaction-id of the response with the parent-transaction-id of the notification.
Notification Delay

In some cases the Payment Gateway (Payment Gateway) may send a delayed IPN.

This may occur due to one of the following reasons:

  • Some payment method providers have longer processing periods than others

  • Communication delays caused by:

    • downtime of the provider’s system

    • a workflow which has a fixed waiting time, at the Payment Gateway as well as the provider.

    • the merchant has sent an incorrect ID. In that case Payment Gateway will send a 404 message, stating that the transaction is not available.

Firewall Rules

To receive IPNs, ensure that your firewall settings allow a connection between the Payment Gateway and your server.

Add the following Payment Gateway IP addresses to your firewall rules:

The IP-address from which you receive your IPN depends on your specific configuration.

IP Validation

A merchant can send his consumer’s IP address via an API request to the Payment Gateway.

Payment Gateway then validates this IP address. This IP validation process can be enabled and disabled in the merchant’s setup.

Loopback Address, ""

Loopback Address: "::1"

Private IP: ""

Regular IP:"32b1:953e:207a:1d36:24bf:9244:20a0:7cea"

Public IP: ""

Compressed IP: "2001:4860:4860::8888"

Expanded IP: "2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888"

IPv4 Compatible (or compat): "::"

IPv4 Mapped IP: "::ffff:"

Merchant Account Resolving

Merchant Account Resolving allows the merchant to create a transaction without a specific Merchant Account ID (MAID) present in time of the transaction request. Instead of the MAID, a Super Merchant ID and a resolver category is sent in the request and a specific MAID used for payment is automatically calculated by the Payment Processor Engine during payment processing. The calculation is based on resolving rules. Resolving rules define the logic for choosing the specific MAID.

If the merchant wants to use the resolver feature, they must get in contact with Merchant Support. Merchant Support will do all the necessary customizing.

Resolving Rules

Resolving rules define the logic for the resolver engine. Based on these rules a final MAID is selected and used for the payment process. The rules are logic expressions and several rules with a different priority can be defined. The first rule that matches the conditions is automatically processed and the appropriate MAID is used. Other rules with lower priority are ignored. These rules are configured by Merchant Support based on the merchant’s specific requirements.

Resolver Category

merchant-account-resolver-category is a field that defines groups of several resolving rules. This allows the merchant to define more sets of resolving rules and lets them decide which will be used for resolving in time of the payment request. Merchant Support provides the value to the merchant when the sets of rules are configured.

Supported Payment Methods

Merchant Account Resolving is available for Credit Card and all other alternative payment methods.

Specifying Resolvers

Resolving rules for Credit Cards can be based on:

  • BIN routing for 3D Secure handling (Non-3D / 3D Merchant Account ID)

  • BIN routing for different fraud rule handling

  • BIN routing for different acquirer handling

  • Routing based on Credit Card brand

  • Routing based on amount

  • Routing based on custom parameters

Super Merchant

Super Merchant or Super Merchant ID is basically a group of several MAIDs. When the merchant does not send a specific MAID in the request, the resolver needs to know a set of several MAIDs to choose from. The Super Merchant is like an account ID superior to several MAIDs. Merchant Support configures the Super Merchant and its inherent MAIDs.

The payment response (structured payment by seamless or message POST to merchant’s page) contains resolved merchant and signature computed with secret key of resolved merchant.

Redirect URL

A payment process needs a redirect URL. If no redirect URL is defined at all, the transaction will not be processed.

The merchant can send a redirect URL in case of a successful, a cancelled or a failed transaction. Depending on the result of the transaction, the consumer will be redirected to the corresponding page of the merchant’s environment.

The redirect URLs can be configured either on MAID level or they can be sent individually with each request.

When the merchant configures the redirect URLs in the MAID, they don’t have to be present in the request. The redirect URLs are automatically loaded from the MAID configuration.

When the merchant determines the redirect URLs in the request, the request’s redirect URLs overwrite the MAID configuration for that particular transaction.

The merchant can determine up to three different redirect URLs in one request. In that case the merchant can determine one success URL, one for failure and one cancellation URL.

Configured in MAID

In this request the redirect URLs are configured on MAID level.

General Request Sample for Redirect URL
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <payment-method name="*"/> (1)
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.00</requested-amount>

The payment method can be any payment method that provides the redirect feature.

Determined in Request

In this request the redirect URL overwrites the redirect configuration in the MAID.

General Request Sample for Redirect URL
<payment xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment">
        <payment-method name="*"/> (1)
    <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.00</requested-amount>

The payment method can be any payment method that provides the redirect feature.

Server Availability

When you want to find out, whether the Payment Gateway servers are available, you can use a link to the Payment Gateway status page:

The status page shows the general status of the Payment Gateway.

It also shows the online status of database and tokenization server.

For reference you can also see the current server time.

Please use a slash "/" after "status", otherwise this page will ask for credentials.

Please be aware that each server request means data traffic. Use this request carefully. Use it only, if you encounter server connection problems.


Referencing a Transaction

With the Payment Gateway a payment process can reference two subsequent transactions.

This reference can be accomplished in two different ways:

  • For alternative payment methods (such as PayPal and SEPA) and credit card the merchant can reference transactions via the transaction ID.

  • For credit card payments the merchant can also use a token.

Referenced transactions (e.g. refund, recurring) have a limited transaction lifecycle. Starting on 1 February 2020, only transactions processed within the last two years can be referenced.

Referencing by Transaction ID

Referencing by transaction ID uses the field <parent-transaction-id>.

In that case the <transaction-id> of the preceding transaction will be referenced as the <parent-transaction-id> of the follow up transaction.

Be aware that the parent-transaction-id is also referred to as reference-transaction-id.

The following example for PayPal shows the use of <parent-transaction-id>:

Transaction No. Transaction Type <transaction-id> <parent-transaction-id>













Recurring Transaction

A recurring transaction is a repetitive set of transactions. In general the recurrence occurs on a regular basis (e.g. paying annual fees for an insurance). A reference to such a transaction always means that the subsequent transaction has a functional dependency on the preceding transaction.

This could be, for example, a repeating transaction in a standard transaction workflow which occurs on a regular schedule.

To submit a recurring transaction, the merchant must submit a request with a specific transaction type. It depends on the payment method, which transaction types apply. Currently the Payment Gateway supports recurring transactions with the payment methods Credit Card , PayPal, and SEPA. If the merchant wants to use recurring transactions, the request must provide the corresponding PERIODIC TYPE and a SEQUENCE TYPE.

The Periodic Type

The PERIODIC TYPE element is chosen specifically by the merchant and depends on the merchant’s business model. One of the following two periodic types must be chosen:

  • installment: one in a set that completes a financial transaction and

  • recurring: one in a set that occurs repeatedly, such as a subscription.

Both transactions will be processed the same way.

The Sequence Type

Additionally, the sub-element SEQUENCE TYPE with one of the following sequences must be submitted:

  • first: The first transaction in a series of recurring transactions

  • recurring: A transaction that is part of a series of recurring transactions.

  • final: The final transaction in a series of recurring transactions. A payment with this sequence type completes a chain of recurring payments.


To ensure proper processing, please take into consideration the following restrictions:

  • Recurring and final transactions are required to be matched to the first transaction.

  • A request with sequence type first may only contain a parent-transaction ID referring to another transaction which has been submitted without a periodic type.

  • A recurring or final transaction may only be referenced to a parent first if it is on status SUCCESS.

  • Where a first transaction has been voided, a subsequent recurring or final transaction will not be accepted.

  • After a transaction with sequence type final has been submitted, it is not possible to submit another recurring or final transaction for this series.

  • Only one periodic type may be used for the complete series of recurring payments. This means that the periodic type in a subsequent transaction must match the periodic type sent in the first request.

Retrieve a Transaction

The Payment Gateway allows the merchant to submit payment transactions, as well as search for payments and merchant data.

In the standard process, the merchant is informed via IPN about the status of a submitted transaction. Retrieve Transaction is an option for the merchant to find out the status of a transaction, if, for some reason, the IPN has not been received. Lacking an IPN can happen due to the fact that the transaction has not reached its final status or additional information from providers are not present at the point of time the Retrieve query was sent. So in case the notification was sent the status is final.

There are several reasons why Retrieve Transaction shall not be launched immediately after submitting a transaction and still waiting for the IPN.

Formats and Methods

Request Formats

XML, NVP (credit card only)

Response Formats


Request Methods


Retrieve Transaction by Transaction-ID

Retrieving a transaction using a Transaction-ID returns a single transaction belonging to a merchant account. The Transaction-ID attribute must match the value that was included in the transaction response sent by Getnet. An error occurs if the Transaction-ID is not available (request must be submitted later again) or the requested user is not authorized to see the content. The desired content type can be set through the Accept-header or by specifying an extension.

The Notification file (IPN) the merchant gets (based on configuration), is the standard process to gather information about a submitted transaction. The reason for this is that it could happen that the transaction has not reached final status or additional information from providers are not present at the point of time the Retrieve query was sent. So in case the notification was sent the status is final.

URL https://api-test.getneteurope.com/engine/rest/merchants/{merchant-account-id}/payments/{transaction-id}

Mandatory (M) or optional (O).

Field Cardinality Datatype Size









Sample URL to a Merchant’s Endpoint


Response when retrieving a transaction

The response corresponds to the transaction type of the transaction being retrieved. For example, the transaction type = 'purchase' and the transaction type = 'tokenize' have different responses when the transaction is being created and that same response will occur for this retrieval. See the sample responses as described for each transaction type.

Retrieve Transaction by Request-ID

Retrieving a transaction using a Request-ID returns a single transaction belonging to a Merchant Account. The request-id attribute must match a request-id that was submitted during the creation of a transaction. An error is returned if the request-id is not available or the user is not authorized to see the content. The desired content type can be set through the "Accept"-header with value "application/xml" or by specifying an extension.





Mandatory (M) or optional (O).

Field Cardinality Datatype Size









Sample URL to a Merchant’s Endpoint


Response when retrieving a transaction

The behavior of a response is the same no matter whether you receive it for a transaction by Request-ID or Transaction-ID.

The details are described in section Retrieve Transaction by Transaction-ID.

Retrieve Transaction by Request-ID and Category

Retrieving a transaction using a Request-ID and Category returns a single transaction belonging to a Super Merchant Account with resolving category. The request-id attribute must match a request-id that was submitted during the creation of a transaction with Super Merchant. An error is returned if the request-id is not available or the user is not authorized to see the content. The desired content type can be set through the "Accept"-header with value "application/xml" or by specifying an extension.





Mandatory (M) or optional (O).

Field Cardinality Datatype Size









Sample URL to a Merchant’s Endpoint


Sample: XML authorization Response (Successful)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<payments xmlns="http://www.elastic-payments.com/schema/payment"
            <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information"
        <requested-amount currency="EUR">5.000000</requested-amount>
                <street1>Einsteinring 35</street1>
        <descriptor>customerStatement 18009998888</descriptor>
            <payment-method name="creditcard"/>
            <status code="200.0000" description="The request completed successfully." severity="information"/>
            <status code="201.0000" description="The resource was successfully created." severity="information"/>
        <requested-amount currency="EUR">1.020000</requested-amount>
                <street1>Einsteinring 35</street1>
        <descriptor>demo descriptor</descriptor>
            <payment-method name="creditcard"/>
Storing Additional Data

In addition to processing transactions, Payment Gateway also permits the storage and later retrieval of additional information.

The use of the header "custom-field" permits the client application to store key-value pairs with each transaction.

In the following example, the client application has stored a purchase order, invoice, crm-id, customer-tier and promotional-code.

This information is also echoed back in any response querying the status of a transaction. It is also possible to see this information in the reporting system.

   <custom-field field-name="purchase-order" field-value="PO999888776655111"/>
   <custom-field field-name="crm-id" field-value="7766558" />
   <custom-field field-name="customer-tier" field-value="gold" />
   <custom-field field-name="promotional-code" field-value="2010-06-15" />
View Transactions in Browser

You can check your transactions in the browser. All you need is the following URL:


Enter this URL in your browser and replace the following variables:

  • {hostname}:

    • if test environment: http://api-test.getneteurope.com

    • if production environment: http://api.getneteurope.com

  • {merchant-account-id}: Use the appropriate Test Merchant Account ID

  • {request-id}: Use the appropriate Request ID

When you login with the username and password of the test account, you can see the result of the transaction in your browser.

Transaction Types

check-signature and its related transaction types are transaction types that are dependent on the payment method not of elementary need for processing via Payment Gateway. Some payment methods just provide the possibility to verify if this payment method is allowed to process by this consumer account or to verify if the account data are valid. In WEP both Transaction Types are visible.


For REST API the transaction type check-signature can be submitted to validate the digital signature.


get-url and its related transaction types are transaction types that depend on the payment method of elementary need for processing via Payment Gateway. Because of that for some payment methods they are additionally created automatically even they were not sent via the integration option. In WEP these Transaction Types are visible.


For SEPA Direct Debit the transaction type pending-credit is created in addtion to the credit that was submitted to visualize the process steps.

  • submitted credit ⇒ visible in WEP pending-credit and credit

  • submitted debit ⇒ visible in WEP pending-debit and debit


auto-sale is a pseudo transaction type, which has been created for the purpose of offering merchants and easier way to integrate the standard and most widely used "SALE" transactions. auto-sale does not exist as an individual transaction type. It is only a place-holder which is used by the Payment Gateway to decide which transaction type should be used for a specific transaction. When using auto-sale, the merchant is not required to send a specific transaction-type for each credit card or alternative payment method request.

Basic Configuration

A merchant is automatically configured to use the default settings for auto-sale.

The Payment Gateway has already configured a default transaction type for auto-sale per payment method. The default values are:

  • For credit card, auto-sale corresponds to purchase.

  • For all other alternative payment methods, auto-sale corresponds to debit.

If a merchant sends in a transaction with transaction type auto-sale, these default values will be used.

The transaction type stored in the database for a transaction request will not be stored as auto-sale, meaning the response to a payment request will include the actual transaction type and not auto-sale. It will be stored with the transaction type configured behind auto-sale. For example, a credit card transaction will be stored with transaction type purchase.

Extended Configuration

A merchant may override these default transaction types by configuring their own default transaction types. Each payment method may be configured individually for auto-sale.

This is configured in the merchant account setup. For example, a merchant may specify that for credit card, auto-sale shall correspond to authorization. This will override the automatically set correspondence of auto-sale to purchase.

Please contact Merchant Support to setup an extended configuration.

Currency Configuration

In addition to transaction type, auto-sale may also be configured for a specific currency. The merchant is able to have multi default transaction types depending on the currency.


Merchant-id-1, Creditcard, EUR, authorization; Merchant-id-1, Creditcard, CZK, purchase; Merchant-id-1, Creditcard, GBP, authorization-only;